The event we were really looking forward to since the first day on the US soil. First of all the weather forecast wasn't very pleasant for this particular Saturday, however we stayed brave and got ready for the thunders, rain and I dont know what else. I had been sick the whole week before needless to say. Anyway, we arrived there on time, parked the car and joined our friends from SCOT organization who organized the trip for us and also paid for the tickets. The weather wasn't really that bad and the forecast discouraged many people I dare to say, which was another plus. The boat was literally empty and we all had nice seats to observe the sea from. At the beginning we were announced that the journey would be 2,5 hour long, which proved to be "neverending" (not for the sea lovers though). After an hour we saw some dolphins jumping in front of the boat, had our faces beaten by the wind and had our bodies frozen to the bones. After a few more minutes I decided to go inside. There after a short while I started to feel sick. "No, I am not sea sick, what is it??" is unbearable.." What shall I do?" " Lie down?, Have my eyes closed?? Open?? So finally I ended up lying on the bench, praying for the captain to turn the boat back to the port. It was so bad, that I even could't open my eyes. Bob Roberts told us he had seen whales only once out of seven chances he had had, so I didn't regret my being sick. Until of course when I heard the announcment how lucky we were, because there is a pair of grey whales right next to our boat. Everybody, except me, ran outside to watch the whales ( the goal of this journey of course). They had a very nice experience and obviously took a lot of pictures. I was lying still inside, listening to the captain's description and wasn't even able to lift my head up to see at least the fin. Then I fell asleep and luckily woke up when we were back at the port. What a day?! Now I am glad Denisa is taking so many pictures everywhere as I could see the whales I had planned to see myself. I will share it with you.
Our friends from SCOT organization (still with me).
Well......... nice, isn't it? What is it like in person?.......I, I don't know.