Sunday, October 16, 2005

BIG girl!

The childhood is over my love!!!!! It is time for preschool. Not everybody has the chance to start preschool in LA. We are really curious about how fast Adelka will learn English. The preschool is within BHS so we all are driving to school every day. Denisa stayed the first day with Adela but the second day she was there on her own and you know what???? When we came there to check on her during the nutrition break, she didn't even want to speak to us. She was so happy with all the kids there. If it was open also on Saturdays and Sundays, she would definitely go. Well.... good for her.

There are students from BHS helping there every day. Excellent idea, don't you think?? How many of these kids plan their own families after the day at preschool???


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