5 day orientation - FULBRIGHT
This is John, he was just GREAT! His wife is doing Fulbright in India. They're from Connecticut.
This is me and my exchange partner Ms.Kylowna Moton. She is a Great person with capital G.
This is my room. Isn't it lovely? I enjoyed my privacy.
We are staying at the Radisson Hotel. NICE. Beautiful rooms, internet connection, TV, wireless connection, large bathroom, great service. We go to Holiday Inn for food. BUFFET!!!!!!!! Wow, I JUST LOVE IT. Every day we attend different workshops. About insurance, taxes, culture shock, etc. It is very interesting and ALL the people here I WONDERFUL. I really mean it. I have never ever seen more wonderful people in my life. They are from all around the world. Everybody is talking to everybody. No prejudice!!!! The WORLD should look like the place here. The color of the skin, religion, nothing matters here. It is beautiful. It really made lifelasting impression on me.
You sound like a very sweet person. Good-hearted. Keep blogging!
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